Hanover CRM Account FAQs

  • How long does it take to create my Hanover instance?

    The process is automated and almost instant. Once you choose your package and pay your first monthly instalment via our check out system your instance will be automatically created and you will be emailed your user log-in details.

  • How long does it take to onboard?

    We aim to get all new customers set up and ready to go live within 4-6 weeks. And, to ensure your onboarding process is as smooth as possible we have created a series of tutorial videos to walk you through the set-up of your Hanover instance. After each tutorial has been actioned, we offer a 'check-in' where you can ask any questions.

  • What if I want to cancel my subscription?

    If you decide to end your Hanover subscription, as per the Terms and Conditions you must give written notice of at least 30 days. Upon termination your instance is closed and data is sent to you in a CSV File.

  • Who hosts the Hanover CRM systems?

    Hanover is web-based and we host all of data on our fully secured servers in both the UK, EU & USA. This allows you to access Hanover from anywhere in the world with an internet connection and browser.

  • Who owns the data in my Hanover instance?

    As the customer, all the data associated with your Hanover instance remains under your ownership - we simply host the data for you. If you decide to end your Hanover instance at any point your data is sent to you in a CSV File.

Hanover CRM Features and Integrations FAQs

  • How does Hanover Connect work?

    Any two instances of Hanover can be mapped with one another. This means that it can be set so that a field labelled ‘Primary Address’ can be mapped to ‘Home Address’ in a different Hanover. This means that data can be initially copied over on mass, and then any edits to one of those fields (as long as the API remains active) will cause an auto update of the relevant field in the connected Hanover. We believe this could genuinely be the beginning of the end for manual data imports and sending spreadsheets of data for our industry

  • How do automations work in Hanover?

    You can set a series of triggers and actions in your Hanover instance specific to both different programs and countries that you work with. An example would be when someones placement is confirmed, please send email X to the participant which has content explaining next steps. Our customers have dozens of these set up throughout their Hanover systems to save time on repetitive tasks and focus their attention where it matters most.

  • How does the SEVIS integration work?

    All of our Hanover Sponsor instances can be connected with the SEVIS system (after a set up process and verification of organizational certification). Once that happens the initial batching to SEVIS, validations and updates around monitoring can all be done by automated batch processes. The J-1 Sponsors using our system tell us it saves them hundreds of administration hours every year.

  • Can I get new features added?

    For Pro and Sponsor users we will always listen to requests for bespoke features, and where capacity allows quotes for bespoke developments to be added to their Hanover instance. For all users we have a voting system where our team will inform you of upcoming changes we are considering and allow all users to inform us of their priorities - we will take those into consideration when completing our consistent development plan for Hanover.

  • How are system upgrades handled?

    Hanover operates on a rails framework, and all Hanover users are different instances of a shared codebase. This means when we provide system upgrades we can do so across our suite of users. We pride ourselves on completing these upgrades at our cost wherever possible for our user base and doing so with no or minimal downtime.

Hanover CRM Pricing FAQs

  •  What is a user and how much are additional users?

    A ‘user’ in this case refers to an employees Hanover log-in which is typically linked to a specific email address. Each Hanover package includes 5 users and any additional users are charged at a per monthly user rate (Essentials: $150 per user. Pro: $200 per user. Sponsor: $300 per user).

  • How can I change my number of users and monthly fee?

    Within your Hanover CRM instance, head to Admin > Admin Users. From here you will be able to 'Create a New User'. If this option is not available it is because you are using all of your admin seats, to add additional seats you will need to contact moc.mrcrevonah%40troppus to adjust your subscription plan.

  • How much do bespoke developments cost?

    Bespoke development projects need to go through an approval process to ensure the Hanover team feel we have the capacity to deliver on the development, and that the development fits within the overall strategy for Hanover. Once that is cleared, a proposal and pricing will be sent the client for the build. Once signed off the build will be delivered as outlined in the proposal.

  • Is there a setup fee for Hanover CRM?

    For Hanover Essentials and Hanover Pro, there is no set up fee. For Hanover Sponsor, there is a one off $1,000 set-up fee due to the time required to link a sponsor system to SEVIS and go through the steps to have credentials approved.

  • Are there any hidden costs?

    No. Aside from your monthly fee per user and, for those with Hanover Sponsor, your initial set up fee, there are no other charges for using your Hanover Instance. This means you can have as many customers register as required and as many electronic contracts signed as you like for your monthly subscription.

  • What currency can I pay in?

    We offer payment in GBP, USD and EUR - based on the IP you are visiting the website from you will be displayed the best option for you.

  • How often are costs reviewed?

    We review our monthly subscription costs on an annual basis, and provide a 3 month notice period for any price rises.

  • *Are there any additional charges?

    For SMS usage as standard each message sent will cost $0.12 (USD). The charge remains the same regardless of the country code the message is sent to and the charge is per segment sent. In addition, we’re also offering bulk message bundles for a number of country codes.
    For automated references there is a $0.50 charge per completed reference.

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