
Seamless integration for businesses using Hanover CRM.

With the adoption of Hanover CRM within the industry growing, Hanover Connect is an innovative feature that will promote greater communication than ever before.
Sponsors, agencies, and partners all rely on Hanover CRM to record and manage their key data points. Through an innovative mapping process, Hanover Connect allows for real-time data updates to be seen by connected systems.
Systems that can talk instantaneously to each other adds a further level of automation, resulting in you saving time, capacity, and money.
Hanover Connect, coming soon.

Simplify work & travel placements with Hanover: Connect

How Hanover: Connect works

Connects businesses

Joint Hanover CRM systems will be able to speak to each other, bringing agencies, businesses, and partners closer than ever before.

Instantaneous communication

Cut out unnecessary processing time and exports, emails, and revisions by allowing joint Hanover CRM systems to speak to each other.

Seamless integration

Set the data you wish to share with your chosen partner, and from then on, enjoy seamless integration of systems. A true collaborative CRM.

"Hanover: Connect will make exchanging information within international exchange partners the easiest it's ever been."

- Rob, Operations Director, Cleversteam

Key benefits of Hanover: Connect.

A collaborative CRM bringing international partners closer than ever before. 

Instant data sharing

Get the information you need quickly and efficiently.

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Stronger partnerships

Improve partnerships through closer operational processes.

Quicker processes

Cut out manual labour and run processes more efficiently.

Smoother journeys

Make the journey for partners and employers easier than ever.

Hanover: Connect FAQs

  • Who owns the data associated with each Hanover instance?

    As the customer, all the data associated with your Hanover instance remains under your ownership - we simply host the data for you. If you decide to end your Hanover instance at any point then your data is sent to you in a CSV File.

  • How does Hanover: Connect work?

    Any two instances of Hanover can be mapped with one another. This means that it can be set so that a field labelled ‘Primary Address’ can be mapped to ‘Home Address’ in a different Hanover. This means that data can be initially copied over on mass, and then any edits to one of those fields (as long as the API remains active) will cause an auto update of the relevant field in the connected Hanover. We believe this could genuinely be the beginning of the end for manual data imports and sending spreadsheets of data for our industry

  • How long does it take to set up Hanover?

    The process is automated and almost instant. Once you choose your package and pay your first monthly installment via our check out system your instance will be automatically created and you will be emailed your user log-in details.

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