Built for

Internship and Trainee Programs
Work and Travel Programs
Au Pair Programs

Providing a market-leading international exchange CRM, built with your processes in mind.


Paving the way for you to do what you're best at; placing applicants.

Hanover CRM is your vehicle to connect great applicants with great employers.
By automating tasks, simplifying processes, and freeing capacity, you can give more time and more personal interaction to placing applicants globally.
Through automation and connection, you can take your international exchange business through its next evolution.

Who is Hanover CRM for?

Hanover CRM is the perfect International exchange programme software, no matter your sector.

    Work and Travel

    Au Pair

    Internship and Trainee

    Camp Counselor





...and more.

By the Community, for the Community.

With experience in the industry prior to creation, Hanover CRM has long had access to what common challenges international exchange faces, but more crucially, what opportunities are available with the right tools.
We have acknowledged two key pillars, which when embraced, can supercharge a businesses growth within the industry. Every Hanover CRM development decision is influenced by Connection and Automation.

“Nobody can discover the world for somebody else. Only when we discover it for ourselves does it become common ground and a common bond and we cease to be alone.”

– Wendell Berry

Why Hanover and International Exchange?

Born from the industry

With a background in international exchange, the common challenges and problems were well understood. The vision was to create a platform which could revolutionise the industry through technology, and that's what's we've done.

Wide community network

We're proud of our extensive links within the international exchange industry and the community that has developed. Our close partnerships give a vital insight into challenges, issues, and most importantly, what solutions we can then provide.

Aligning values

International exchange exists to promote new experiences, cultural understanding, and to develop global citizens. We firmly believe in its positive worldwide impact and it is a mission which we align with strongly.

Want to know more about the leading International Exchange CRM?